Farming in the City

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How to Farm in the City

skylineHow to Farm in the City, made possible with a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant, is a dynamic web based resource designed to help people learn the ins and outs of farming in town. Urban farming, done well, has the potential to provide good healthy food with less pollution and energy inputs than food from far away. Urban farming done improperly poses pollution risks to our air, land and water, and even risks to human health.

If you plan on farming in the City, you may want to include high tunnels (hoop houses) to extend your growing season, raise chickens for eggs and meat, harvest honey by keeping bees, build a composting and/or vermicomposting (using worms to break down food) bin to create your own rich soil and reduce waste, incorporate water and energy saving techniques and more. This is a living document designed to help you find resources to do all of those things, essentially, a guide to streamline your process of how to farm in the City.

If you need information that is missing, or have a favorite urban farming related website to share, contact Mike at the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks and we will work together to make the site better.

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[av_toggle title=’Local Laws & City Ordinances’ tags=”]

Regulations to Keeping Chickens in the City of Springfield

Regulations for Personal Gardens, Community Gardens, Commercial Gardens and Farmers Markets in the City of Springfield

Show-Me Yards & Neighborhoods

For more information, visit

[av_toggle title=’MU Extension General Information’ tags=”]
MU Extension is Missouri’s one-stop source to practical education on many topics including:  MU Extension

Raising Back Yard Chickens

Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Planting Calendar

Organic Vegetable Gardening Techniques

Disease Prevention in Home Vegetable Gardens


How to Build a Compost Bin

Making and Using Compost

Improving Farm Sustainability with High Tunnels

Beekeeping Tips for Beginners

Energy and Your Farm

Community Gardening Toolkit

[av_toggle title=’Water Harvesting’ tags=”]

Rainwater Harvesting Manual

City of Springfield Rain Barrel Rebate

How to make a Rain Barrel brochure

[av_toggle title=’Soil Testing’ tags=”]

Soil Testing for Better Lawns and Gardens

MU Extension Soil Testing

Urban Agriculture and Soil Contamination: An Introduction to Urban Gardening

[av_toggle title=’General Soil Information’ tags=”]

How Does Your Garden Grow? Brownfields Redevelopment and Local Agriculture

Urban Soil Primer: For homeowners and renters, local planning boards, property managers, students, and educators

[av_toggle title=’Examples and Inspiration’ tags=”]

Springfield Urban Agriculture Coalition

Springfield Urban Agriculture Coalition (SUAC) promotes healthy lifestyles and environments through hands on education about production and consumption of locally-produced, natural, healthy foods.

Growing Power

Growing Power is a national nonprofit organization and land trust supporting people from diverse backgrounds, and the environments in which they live, by helping to provide equal access to healthy, high-quality, safe and affordable food for people in all communities. Growing Power implements this mission by providing hands-on training, on-the-ground demonstration, outreach and technical assistance through the development of Community Food Systems that help people grow, process, market and distribute food in a sustainable manner.

Urban Farmingâ„¢

The Urban Farmingâ„¢ mission is to create an abundance of food for people in need by supporting and encouraging the establishment of gardens on unused land and space while increasing diversity, raising awareness for health and wellness, and inspiring and educating youth, adults and seniors to create an economically sustainable system to uplift communities around the globe.

Springfield Botanical Center

The Springfield Botanical Center has been established for enhancing people’s lives through plant demonstrations and education. The Gardens at the Botanical Center are a resource for leisure, teaching, and public service missions of University of Missouri Extension and Friends of the Garden. The Botanical Center is owned, operated and maintained by the Springfield-Greene County Park Board. Visit their website to learn more about events and educational opportunities.

[av_toggle title=’Community Gardens’ tags=”]

Rutledge-Wilson Farm Community Park – Adopt an Urban Garden

Springfield Community Gardens

The Kitchen Clinic Herb Garden

[av_toggle title=’Urban Farms’ tags=”]

Fassnight Creek Farm

Urban Roots Farm

[av_toggle title=’Where to Sell Produce in Springfield, MO’ tags=”]

Farmers Market of the Ozarks

Greater Springfield Farmers Market

C-Street Market

James River Farmers Market

[av_toggle title=’Where to Donate Produce in Springfield, MO’ tags=”]

Ozarks Food Harvest

The Kitchen, Inc.

[av_toggle title=’Where to Buy a Rain Barrel ‘ tags=”]

Smiling Sun

Rain Reserve

Habitat for Humanity Restore

Race Brothers

SoMo Farm and Ranch Supply

Wickman’s Garden Village
