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Community Innovation Grant

The Community Foundation of the Ozarks awarded Watershed Committee of the Ozarks and the Missouri State University Bull Shoals Field Station (BSFS) an $11,000 Community Innovation Grant to bring the Leopold Foundation to both the Watershed Center and BSFS to hold a Land Ethic Leaders workshop.  The workshop will help participants develop their own land ethic and explore tools and methods for fostering conservation in communities locally and across the state.  The workshop will be held in November of 2016.

LAD Foundation Grant

Project Completed Summer 2011

The Leo A. Drey Foundation (LAD) awarded the Watershed Committee a $5,000 grant for the entrance walkway and rain garden at the C.W. Titus Education Facility at the Watershed Center. The walkway will be constructed of recycled or sustainably grown and harvested materials, and the rain garden will provide an attractive natural amenity while slowing and filtering runoff from the building area.

Springfield Plateau Chapter Master Naturalists helped plant the rain garden and Smiling Sun Landscaping donated labor and plants.

Gargoyle Country: The Inspiring Geology of Springfield & Greene County

Project Completed 2011

The Watershed Committee published Dr. Ken Thompson’s “Geology of Greene County” in 1986. The targeted audience was geologists and other professionals who would be conversant with geologic concepts and terminology. There were no photographs and no color illustrations, except the geologic map.

The current edition, published by the Watershed Committee in 2011 and written by Jerry D. Vineyard, targets a broader readership, using numerous illustrations to highlight the region’s interesting geology. The Geologic Map of Greene County, however, is reproduced at a smaller scale, without significant changes, because post-1986 geologic mapping has changed few details since Thompson’s ground-breaking work more than 20 years ago.

“Gargoyle Country: The Inspiring Geology of Springfield & Greene County” can be purchased at the Watershed Committee’s downtown office, Barnes and Noble or online.

Funding support provided by the Southeast Rotary Club of Springfield, Springfield Underground, City of Springfield Department of Public Works Stormwater Division, Greene County and the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks.

Water Savers Project with MSU & Drury

Drury Water Savers Project completed in 2009 MSU Water Savers Project completed in 2011

Drury University, City Utilities of Springfield, and the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks have teamed up for a multi-step water conservation initiative on the Drury Campus. Through grant funding, the Watershed Committee purchased a large quantity of water conserving devices like sink aerators, low flow showerheads, leak detecting tablets and shower timers. Over the summer, in 2009, 600 showerheads and sink aerators were installed in buildings on Drury campus and 600 shower timers and leak detecting tablets were dispersed to students. Drury also sponsored the Watershed Committee to host a booth at the new student involvement fair on August 24, 2009.

In 2011, the Missouri State University (MSU), City Utilities (CU) and the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks (WCO) teamed up to encourage water conservation on the MSU campus. WCO volunteer and MSU student, Erin Murray, helped the WCO continue the Water Savers project on the MSU campus. Residence Halls on campus including Kentwood Hall, Hammons House, Hutchens House, Woods House, Blair-Shannon House, Freudenberger House and Wells House were retrofitted with sink aerators and low flow shower heads and students were given shower timers. Our estimation is the project should save over 2 million gallons of water a year.

Watershed Management Planning Grant

Project Completed November 2009

The Upper Little Sac Watershed Management Plan was initiated to address water quality issues in the watershed, help secure future 319 Grant funding, and to maintain the mission of Watershed Committee of the Ozarks; to improve and protect Springfield and Greene County water supply.
This watershed management plan is focused on the Little Sac River watershed. A watershed management plan is a living document, a vision for protecting and restoring the watershed and a plan for carrying it out. The process of watershed planning can have benefits beyond the road map that is created-it can help build a sense of community by bringing people together with different backgrounds and perspectives to define the future of their area, by helping identify the community’s cultural, historical and natural resources, and by educating the public about their watershed and the issues it faces. The Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District helped in gathering information, writing the document, contacting stakeholders, and the planning preparation for public meetings. Funding was provided through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

Fishing Piers and Boardwalk

Project completed October 2008

The Watershed Committee in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation and with a grant from the Community Foundation constructed fishing piers and a boardwalk trail on the east side of Valley Water Mill Lake. MDC is stocking and managing the fishery. These fishing piers provide recreational and educational opportunities to the public.

Funding was provided by the Missouri Department of Conservation: Corporate and Agency Partnership Program ($49,500), the Community Foundation of the Ozarks ($30,000) and donations by Meeks and Herman Lumber.