Gargoyle Country: The Inspiring Geology of Springfield & Greene County

Project Completed 2011

The Watershed Committee published Dr. Ken Thompson’s “Geology of Greene County” in 1986. The targeted audience was geologists and other professionals who would be conversant with geologic concepts and terminology. There were no photographs and no color illustrations, except the geologic map.

The current edition, published by the Watershed Committee in 2011 and written by Jerry D. Vineyard, targets a broader readership, using numerous illustrations to highlight the region’s interesting geology. The Geologic Map of Greene County, however, is reproduced at a smaller scale, without significant changes, because post-1986 geologic mapping has changed few details since Thompson’s ground-breaking work more than 20 years ago.

“Gargoyle Country: The Inspiring Geology of Springfield & Greene County” can be purchased at the Watershed Committee’s downtown office, Barnes and Noble or online.

Funding support provided by the Southeast Rotary Club of Springfield, Springfield Underground, City of Springfield Department of Public Works Stormwater Division, Greene County and the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks.