June Meeting 2024 Recap
Meeting Highlights:
U.S. Forest Service Award
The Watershed Committee and Rachel McManus, a former crew member of the Watershed Conservation Corps, received volunteer awards from the Eastern Region of the U.S. Forest Service. Chris Stockdale noted that out of 17 national forests across 20 states, only four projects were recognized this year, highlighting the important work done on the National Visitor Use Monitoring program. This program helped gather data on how guests choose to enjoy Mark Twain National Forest. Pictured: Shane Hoskins (USFS), Rachel McManus (WCC), Mike Kromrey (Watershed), and Chris Stockdale (USFS).
Dan Hoy - Bass Pro Sustainability Update
Dan Hoy, Bass Pro Cabela’s Director of Facilities, provided an inspiring update on Bass Pro’s sustainability efforts. Starting his career at Bass Pro in 1982, Dan has seen the company’s long-standing dedication to sustainability evolve. He discussed how Bass Pro aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and adheres to recognized standards such as ISO 14.001 (environmental management systems) and 41.001 (facilities management systems).

Bass Pro’s initiatives include:
- The Bass Pro Cares fund and a family health clinic for employees.
- Efforts to divert 93% of waste and reduce hazardous waste.
- Retrofitting existing buildings to offset carbon emissions.
- Major conservation outreach through aquariums and seagrass restoration.
- Collaborations with local and national organizations to enhance corporate conservation efforts. Local partnerships include Watershed, James River Basin Partnership, Ozark Greenways, and H2Ozarks.

National Weather Service Update
Steve Runnels from the National Weather Service informed attendees about the transition of their website to water.noaa.gov and the search for Megan Terry’s replacement. He presented the summer weather forecast, highlighting equal chances for precipitation, drought in the West, and above-normal temperatures.
Regional Updates
Marra Holt reminded everyone that the Watershed Summer Gala is in two weeks, with tickets available both at the meeting and online. Tod Wilkenson confirmed that the JRBP’s River Rescue event scheduled for June 8th is on track. Jim Guldin announced the discovery of Blue Ash at Doling Park, in collaboration with conservationist Caleb Sanders. Additionally, City Utilities reported efforts to refresh the Source Water Protection Plan and revitalize the group.