Community On-Site Wastewater and Stormwater 319 Project

Projects Completed 2004-2008

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources awarded this Section 319 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant to the Watershed Committee. The C.O.W.S grant directed funding to address two of the biggest water quality issues related to growth: wastewater and stormwater.

The Onsite Wastewater Training Center (OWTC) was one of the major milestones. The OWTC, located adjacent to the Watershed Center, serves as an outdoor classroom for wastewater installers. This facility showcases several alternative onsite septic systems, as well as innovative stormwater techniques. Failing septic systems have been shown to contaminate surface and groundwater resources, including wells used for drinking water. Community outreach projects included workshops, onsite rehabilitation and on-site coupons that will cost-share for maintenance. A cost share project provided a landowner enough incentive to work with the Watershed Committee to replace a failing system that was surface discharging directly into the Little Sac.
For a full description of the projects and accomplishments see the Final Report below

Project Partners: Greene County, Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Quality Improvement Project