Source Water Protection Development and Implementation Grant
Project Manager: Watershed Committee of the Ozarks
Public Water System: City of Springfield, Missouri, by and for the benefit of City Utilities of Springfield, MO
Our primary goal/objective is to develop a comprehensive voluntary SWPP for the Springfield Water Supply to submit for endorsement to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
We will accomplish these tasks:
1) Form a local source water protection steering committee to guide the development of the voluntary community SWPP.
2) Update our potential contaminate sources listed as unconfirmed in the state data base from inventory list of the Source Water Assessment Plan.
3) Revise the “How to Protect Your Well” factsheet.-completed-under Publications
4) Create a “Source Water Protection Starts at Home” educational factsheet-completed and mailed to residents in targeted area
5) Use the plan as a Watershed Control Program suitable for Log Removal credit under LT2ESWTR if needed