Our Missouri Waters

The goal of Our Missouri Waters is to create a Healthy Watershed Plan

On May 1st, 2015 the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks was awarded the Our Missouri Waters Collaborative effort for the Sac River Watershed through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The goal of this project was to gather local input and identify water resource priorities through community meetings. A local watershed advisory committee was assembled to identify and develop resources to achieve those priorities. Citizens, community leaders, elected officials and anyone living in the watershed were invited in this process to share how they use their water and what’s needed to continue protecting and enhancing the Sac River watershed.

The grant was completed on October 31st 2016. The survey results, summary of the process and committee recommendations are outlined in the Sac River Healthy Watershed Plan found here. The plan will be a living, working document to help maximize resources and focus watershed priorities over the next five years.  Thank you to everyone that served on the committee and helped with this project! To learn more about the Our Missouri Waters statewide initiative visit: http://dnr.mo.gov/omw/

Stacey Armstrong Smith, Projects Manager
