Southwest Missouri Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP)

Springfield-Branson Onsite Remediation Project

The Watershed Committee of the Ozarks was awarded funds through the Southwest Missouri Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP**). The goal of this project is to improve and protect water quality while enhancing economic development for municipalities, agriculture, and tourism. This is a multi-faceted project involving several organizations, each focusing on a different water quality issue. Under this umbrella, the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks (WCO) is currently working with the Table Rock Water Quality Incorporated (TRLWQ) to demonstrate the remediation of onsite wastewater treatment systems that have failed and pose a threat to contaminating ground water. Many conventional septic systems installed in the past have been shown through scientific studies to be inadequate for many locations throughout Southwest Missouri and can negatively impact the quality of groundwater, and ultimately drinking water.

The completed projects include the remediation of sixteen onsite wastewater systems that were failing to groundwater, seven educational onsite wastewater trainings, installation of public, low-flow outdoor restrooms and partial funding for the parking bays, loop drive, permeable walkway pavers and fire truck access for the C.W. Titus Education Facility at the Watershed Center.