Water Wednesday ‘Grazing Management’

The Watershed Committee of the Ozarks has been working with local community partners to revitalize the Little Sac Agricultural Demonstration area, which next year can provide local farmers and producers a local site to learn about best management practices such as grazing management, soil health and solar watering. Recently new internal electric fencing was installed at the agricultural demonstration area getting us one-step closer to having the site ready for grazing management and educational use.
In managed grazing, pastures are divided into sections, or paddocks, which are grazed one at a time. Livestock are grazed only long enough to eat the desired amount of the most nutritious forage, then the paddock is rested and allowed to regrow. Animal performance is usually improved, and herd health can be improved because cattle spend less time in wet areas. Streamside vegetation stays healthier, reducing erosion and improving water quality.
If you are interested in learning more about grazing management, the Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District works with landowners to help conserve and protect farmland in Missouri and they have an upcoming workshop on Grazing Management and Soil Health on October 2, to learn more visit their website here: https://mosoilandwater.land/greene
Stacey Armstrong Smith
Projects Manager