WCO Assisting GLADE with Stream Ecology

The Watershed Committee is thrilled to assist with the stream ecology component of the GLADE Project (Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems). During GLADE, Greater Ozarks Audubon Society (GOAS) teams up with Missouri State University and the Missouri Department of Conservation to offer a week-long residential stay for 16 high school students at the Missouri State University Bull Shoals Field Station. With the guidance of conservation professionals, participants engage in leadership activities, bird banding, reptile and insect research, habitat restoration, water quality monitoring, and a host of other activities. This provides a unique environment for students to explore career and networking opportunities in an experiential setting along the historic White River, now called Bull Shoals Reservoir.
Applications are now being accepted for this year’s GLADE Project (Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems), which will be held from June 21st to June 27th. GLADE is an all expenses paid, immersive week of conservation education and leadership development open to students entering the 10th through 12th grades. GLADE has expanded since its inception in 2009, and is now a nationally recognized youth conservation leadership academy.
For the GLADE class of 2020, they are looking for individuals with a love for the outdoors and a desire to impact the world around them. To learn more about the program or apply please visit www.greenleadershipacademy.org. Applications are due March 27.