Project Summary
The Watershed Committee received a Community Impact Grant from Lucky’s Market to provide funding to help restore the Little Sac Agricultural Demonstration Area (ADA). This area is located between Fellows and McDaniel lakes. The land is owned by City Utilities, which has leased the parcel to WCO to manage this endeavor. The ADA will showcase riparian protection, prescribed/rotational grazing, warm and cool season pastures, and alternative watering systems. The ADA will be used for classes, tours, and scientific study, and offer sub-leases to local farmers who want to use the land within the restorative farming principals. The Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Greene County Soil and Water District will be the primary education partners, and Missouri State and City Utilities will likely participate in the science and research aspects.
Some of the infrastructure from the original project will be re-used, and some of the previous improvements—like a warm-season grass pasture and a robust buffer of trees along the stream—will be valuable assets. Funds from the Little Sac Restoration and Improvement Project, City Utilities, and this grant from Lucky’s Market will help bring the Little Sac Agricultural Demonstration Area back into working order. We hope to reopen the ADA by the end of the year. A lot of groundwork has been laid in 2017, and we are looking forward to developments in 2018